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Priority 3: Develop and Engage Libraries Employees as a Community

University Libraries employees are indispensable and vital to our success. We strive to improve morale and retain employees by creating a place where people want to work.

Goal 1: Cultivate Libraries employees’ sense of belonging and value

  • Objective 1: Develop best practices to integrate new employees into the organization (this objective is IN PROGRESS)
  • Objective 2: Design and implement a recognition program for employees (this objective is IN PROGRESS)
  • Objective 3: Formulate a Libraries DEI statement and share it widely (this objective is COMPLETED)
  • Objective 4: Enhance our recruitment processes to be more inclusive (this objective is COMPLETED)

Goal 2: Support employees’ professional aspirations, interests, and development

  • Objective 1: Develop procedures for sharing professional development opportunities (this objective is COMPLETED)
  • Objective 2: Establish allocation procedures for staff professional development funds (this objective is COMPLETED)
  • Objective 3: Develop best practices to continue to create a more inclusive workplace (this objective is IN PROGRESS)

Goal 3: Create an organizational structure that aligns with our mission, vision, and values

  • Objective 1: Engage Libraries employees in evaluation of work assignments to design and implement a dynamic organizational structure (this objective is IN PROGRESS)
  • Objective 2: Provide training and education to address new roles and responsibilities that may arise from the new organizational structure (this objective is COMPLETED)

Goal 4: Support student employees and develop their career readiness and employability competencies

  • Objective 1: Expand appreciation and recognition programs (this objective is COMPLETED)
  • Objective 2: Establish a job shadow program for student employees (this objective is IN PROGRESS)
  • Objective 3: Create a centralized Canvas shell/website where student employees can access employment information/documentation about their job with University Libraries (this objective is COMPLETED)
  • Objective 4: Expand cross-departmental training for student employees (this objective is IN PROGRESS)