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SciCo Listserv - Information for Practicing Colorado Science Educators

The Information for Colorado Science Educators (SCICO) listserv is moderated by Lori Reinsvold and provides announcements and information for practicing science educators and includes curriculum materials, multimedia, workshops, summer opportunities, grants, awards, news and more.

There are currently around 300 subscribers with about one announcement per day.

  1. To subscribe to the UNC SCICO listserv send a message to listserv@listserv.unco.edu
  2. Leave subject line blank
  3. Remove or turn off signature
  4. Type "subscribe scico" in the message area (leave out the quotation marks)
  5. You will receive a welcome and confirmation message which includes unsubscribe instructions
  6. Once you have subscribed, messages will be sent to you from scico@listserv.unco.edu.