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Staffing Reductions

Seventy percent of the University budget consists of personnel costs.  As we consider budget modifications, this document includes the tools that are available to supervisors to address personnel budget lines.  Eliminating or reducing a position is a difficult and important decision.  Once that decision has been made, here are the steps to implement the decision.

  • Eliminate Occupied Classified Position
    Eliminate Occupied Classified Position
    1. Fill out Budget Personnel Document
    2. Supervisor/Department Head completesClassified Layoff Business Plan, gets VP approval
    3. Documents sent to HR (Carter Hall 2002 or Campus Box 54)
      1. Completed Classified Layoff Business Plan
    4. HR will review and approve documents, and notify supervisor whether employee has retention rights
    5. Supervisor will have a conversation with employee
      1. Provide a copy of the Classified Layoff Business Plan
      2. Provide a timeline of the process
        1. Date of announcement (Business Plan posted)
        2. Effective Date of change
    6. Classified Layoff Business Plan posted in Office for 10 days before 45-day notice is given
    7. HR creates 45-day Notice, & sends to supervisor
    8. Supervisor holds meeting with employee to deliver 45-day notice
    9. HR contacts employee to discuss benefits options
  • Eliminate Occupied Professional Administrative Position
    Eliminate Occupied Professional Administrative Position
    1. Fill out Budget Personnel Document
    2. Supervisor/Department Head completesProfessional Administrative Staff Layoff Business Plan, gets VP approval
    3. Business Manager completesPayroll Data Form
    4. Documents sent to HR (Carter Hall 2002 or Campus Box 54)
      1. Completed Professional Administrative Staff Layoff Business Plan
      2. Completed Payroll Data Form
    5. HR will review and approve documents
    6. Supervisor will have a conversation with employee
      1. Provide a copy of the Professional Administrative Staff Layoff Business Plan
      2. Provide a timeline of the process
        1. Date of announcement (Business Plan posted)
        2. Effective Date of change
    7. Professional Administrative Staff Layoff Business Plan posted in Office for 10 days before 45-day notice is given
    8. HR creates 45-day Notice, & sends to supervisor
    9. Supervisor holds meeting with employee to deliver 45-day notice
    10. HR contacts employee to discuss benefits options
  • Uploading Positions in PeopleAdmin


Contact Us
Carter Hall 
Room 2002
Phone: 970-351-2718
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
*Our HR staff are currently operating remotely*

Email us at Human.Resources@unco.edu