CETL Advisory Board
The CETL Advisory Board advises the CETL Director on policies and activities that enable CETL to fulfill its mission. These include, but are not limited to, programming priorities and objectives, grants and awards, resource procurement and allocation, and inter-University relations. The Advisory Board supports the CETL Director in implementing the CETL Strategic plan. Members also serve as ambassadors for CETL on and beyond campus. Each Advisory Board member will:
- Advocate for teaching and learning at UNC
- Attend monthly meetings
- Bring ideas to the Director that support the CETL mission
- Promote the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
- Provide expertise on professional development programming
- Publicize CETL programs and events
- Serve as an ambassador in their areas and beyond UNC
- Serve on ad-hoc committees as needed (e.g. programming, grants, awards)
Current Board Members
- Dr. Molly Jameson, Chair
- Dr. Anne Davidson, CEBS Faculty Representative
- Shawn Montano, HSS Faculty Representative
- Ania Rose, MCB Faculty Representative
- Dr. Jennifer Avena, NHS Faculty Representative
- Dr. Leo Welch, PVA Faculty Representative
- Maggie Shawcross, University Libraries Faculty Representative
- Dr. Amie Cieminski, Faculty Representative-at-Large
- Dr. Corrine Wieben, Faculty Senate Representative
- Sarah Sparks, Graduate Student Representative
- Stephen Loveless, Division of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Representative
- VACANT, Undergraduate Student Representative
- Dr. Jeri Lyons, Academic Affairs Leadership Team Representative
- VACANT, Student Senate Representative
The Advisory Board is comprised of 13 UNC community members plus the CETL Director. Term limits are listed below.
- CETL Director (chair)
- CEBS Faculty Representative (3-year term)
- HSS Faculty Representative (3-year term)
- MCB Faculty Representative (3-year term)
- NHS Faculty Representative (3-year term)
- PVA Faculty Representative (3-year term)
- University Libraries Faculty Representative (3-year term)
- Faculty Representative-at-Large (3-year term)
- Faculty Senate Representative (1-year term)
- Graduate Student Representative (1-year term)
- Division of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Representative (1-year term)
- Undergraduate Student Representative (1-year term)
- Academic Affairs Leadership Team Representative (1-year term)
- Student Senate Representative (1-year term)