Campus Connections Nightly Schedule
4:15-4:30pm Youth Check-in
Youth typically arrive between 4:15-4:30pm to greet mentors, sign in and get ready for the evening.
4:30-5:00pm Walk & Talk
Walk & Talk is an activity set up for Mentor Families (groups of four mentor/mentee pairs) to walk around together and familiarize themselves with the college campus. Mentor Families take walks to different parts of UNC's campus each week that are meant to familiarize youth with the campus and everything UNC has to offer.
Once arriving at the destination there are several questions for youth to answer while learning about the opportunities college has to offer. This time is also important for mentors to catch up with their youth about the past week’s events.
5:00-6:00pm Supporting School Success
Supporting School Success provides individualized tutoring for youth with their mentor. Youth are expected to bring homework or GED prep material every night to work on with their mentor. If youth have absolutely no homework, they can work on study skills, goal-setting, career planning, college planning, time management, and how to access education and career resources.
6:00-6:30pm Dinner
Dinner is provided by the Weld Food Bank, at no cost to youth and their family, and is enjoyed every night with mentors in their Mentor Families.
6:30-7:30pm & 7:30-8:30pm Pro-Social Activities
The remainder of the evening is broken into two, one-hour blocks where mentors and mentees engage in a variety of pro-social activities designed to create community and have fun. These community activities work on developing niches, hobbies, competencies, personal growth and gaining confidence in a skill. The activities have a ride range including art projects, creative writing, cooking classes, sports, dance, yoga, cultural activities, guest speakers and more.
8:30pm Pick-up
Campus Connections ends at 8:30pm each week and youth are picked up to return home. Each night we send home a progress report on each youth to keep parents and guardians informed of and involved in how their child is doing in the program.