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University Assessment Council

UNC’s Assessment Council is a representative advisory council established to develop and provide effective policies and procedures to the university concerning learning outcomes assessment in accordance with university learning goals and HLC accreditation requirements. Charged by the President’s Cabinet, the Assessment Council is the principal body responsible for developing and maintaining the institution’s learning assessment efforts. It is charged with making formal recommendations concerning best practices in the design, development, and deployment of learning outcomes assessment including data collection, analyzing results, and making changes for the improvement of student learning. To this end, the Council maintains a systematic review process to provide feedback and recommendations concerning programmatic and institutional learning outcomes assessment planning. Consequently, the Council promotes and supports faculty development regarding learning outcomes assessment. The council also supervises the conferral of annual assessment grants aimed at program assessment improvement. The Council maintains an open line of communication with institutional committees, administrative bodies, and academic units, including but not limited to the Faculty Senate, Academic Leadership, the Liberal Arts Council, the Academic Policies Committee, Institutional Research, and the Division of Academic Effectiveness.

The Assessment Council meets once a month during fall and spring semesters.

Responsibilities of The Assessment Council

Council Members

The Council is chaired by the Director of Assessment and consists of faculty and staff representatives from colleges, governing bodies, and student services divisions.

2024-2025 Representatives

Samantha Buck

Samantha Buck

Office of Assessment Graduate Assistant


Loree Crow

Loree Crow

Academic Engagement


Brian Dauenhauer

Brian Dauenhauer

College of Natural Health Sciences

Read more about Brian Dauenhauer

Mikay Elliott

Mikay Elliott

Student Academic Success


Sonia Schaible Brandon

Sonia Schaible Brandon

Institutional Research and Effectiveness


Colleen Sonnentag

Colleen Sonnentag

Dean of Student Development


Tara Wood

Tara Wood

College of Humanities and Social Sciences


Read more about Tara Wood