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Listen and Learn with Housing and Residential Education

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Hayley Blackburn
March 22, 2022

Dr. Jenna Finley is the Director of Housing and Residential Education. She shared updates about our Living and Learning Communities, pet policies, and dining options. You can help students Call Dibs on housing next year while understanding the options for food and living around campus.

Action Items:

  • Nudge advisees about their housing plans for summer and next year
  • Tell students living on campus to look for the QR Codes in their building to participate in events and programming for their neighborhoods
  • Keep an eye out for committee opportunities for the direction of Living and Learning Communities and Sense of Belonging conversations. Think about (and save ideas/feedback) to help update the transition and onboarding for students including programming for housing
  • Continue submitting SOS reports because they loop in Housing when appropriate
  • Remind students they need to check out before moving off campus. Housing returned to the face to face check out process, and if students miss this step—and just leave—they will see charges, etc.

Live-On Campus Requirement

First-year students, with less than 20 college credit hours earned after high school graduation, who are under 21 and are not living in the local area with their legal guardian are required to live in UNC's housing system through the completion of their first academic year. 

Students with married, military, or local residences are exempt from the live on requirement for the first year. The petition for release can also include medical with support from DRC) and extenuating circumstances. The Petition to Release Form must be submitted with documentation.

Year End Priorities and Tasks in Housing

Each RA hosts individual check-ins with students throughout the semester. The last check-in is a reflection to help students make plans for summer/next year.

About 80% of students complete the check-in and reflection process.

The Call Dibs Campaign nudges returning students to choose on-campus housing for next year. 

Students can access the housing and dining contracts through Ursa. Any contracts cancelled after the Fall Census will not be refunded.

Neighborhood programming for registration tips (like how to find their advisor), academic programming with the faculty-in-residences, and Mindful Mondays to reduce end of semester stress.

The Neighborhood Programming is planned by the community coordinators. Reach out to Katelyn Spooner to plan a program.

Students receive messages and information about Housing and Dining updates through several channels: their RA and neighborhood programming, housing email campaigns, the housing website, QR codes around their buildings, and admissions campaigns (for new students).

Questions and Updates by Topic

  • Neighborhoods

    Three Neighborhoods: Mesa (Central Campus), Basin, and Ridge

    Each neighborhood has two Masters level live-in Neighborhood Coordinators that supervise the day to day operations of the community. They also have student staff (RAs)  whose primary role is to connect with residents and build community. 

  • Living and Learning Communities (Residential Connections)

    Students can opt-in to communities focused on major, identity, or interests. Res Life will be adding communities for Education and PVA next year.

    Stay tuned or reach out to Jenna if you are interested in helping shape the direction of the learning community model.

  • Pets and Animals

    Students can bring a dog or cat under 40 pounds, fully-grown into the Pet-Friendly Housing after submitting the application and proof of vaccinations. They will pay a pet deposit. If you have a student with severe allergies to cats/dogs, make sure they know that Lawrenson and Belford Halls have pet friendly rooms/floors.

    Service Animals (dogs that are individually trained to perform tasks that benefit someone with a disability) do not need to be registered, but they will need their proof of vaccinations.

    Emotional Support Animals need to be approved/recommended through the Disability Resource Center. These animals can span more species, for example rabbits.

  • Dining Updates

    On Campus Meal Plans are required for first-year students living on campus. There are multiple meal plan options for first-year students, returning students, and those who are eligible to live off campus.

    A bunch of updates are coming for next year. Over the summer, Starbucks will be added to Holmes and three new options added to the UC Food Court: Empire Pizza, Bowlful, and Crisol.

    Students will be able to order online and pick up their food from lockers/pick-up spaces. 

    Later on, a Burger Bar will be opened with limited alcohol service. They are continuing to discuss options for the Campus Commons as the Pie Cafe is unlikely to reopen.