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Safety Tips

UNC is a very safe campus; however, crime may still occur. Here are a few safety tips to help you and others stay safe.

Escort Program

A service provided by UNC Police.  This program provides a safe escort from one point to another on or around campus.  To request an escort call UNC Police at 970-351-2245.

Safety Tips

  • Use a u-lock style bike lock and take your lock through the front tire and around your frame.
  • Use the bicycle permit and registration through Parking Services.
  • Never leave any items of value out in the open.
  • Consider using the buddy system and travel in groups.  Carry a cell phone and stick to well-traveled areas.
  • Take care of yourself and others.  Trust your instincts.  When you feel uneasy, get out of the situation immediately and help friends who also may need to get out of a situation.
  • Never leave your car running while unattended and always lock your car and remove the keys. Lock any valuables in your trunk.
  • Keep your doors and windows closed and locked.
  • Do not prop open doors that are designed and meant to be locked.
  • When you see, hear or “feel” that something is not right, error on the side of caution and contact the police by calling 911. Trust your instincts.
  • UNC Emergency Alerts: In case of emergency, make sure you get the message. As an active UNC student, you are automatically registered using your bear email address. Please update your mobile number as needed in URSA.