UNC Police Department
The UNC police department is a full service police agency with full police powers. The university police officers are certified level I sworn police officers in the state of Colorado and have the same police authority and training requirements as all other police officers in the State of Colorado.
- UNCPD has a strong partnership and working relationship with other local police agencies.
- Our officers participate in on-going professional training.
- UNC Escort Programs - Escorts are provided by police officers or student security officers during hours of darkness for persons walking on campus.
- Emergency Telephones - Interior and exterior emergency phones linked directly to UNCPD are located throughout campus.
- Dialing 911 from any on campus phone will be routed directly to UNCPD dispatch.
- Dialing 911 from cell phones while on campus will be routed to the Weld County Regional Communications Center. Therefore, we recommend all students, faculty and staff pre-program the UNCPD phone number into their cell phones (970-351-2245) to report anything occurring on campus.
- UNC PD employees a number of part-time security officers who act as additional “eyes and ears” on the campus grounds, parking lots, academic buildings and residence halls. They also provide escorts to students walking on campus after dark.