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Alcohol Approval Forms and Official Functions

  • When do I need to complete an Alcohol Approval Form (AAF)?

    An AAF is required for all University sponsored functions or training events where alcohol will be served. The form should be completed prior to payment or reimbursement.

    Functions or events where no alcohol is being served do not need an AAF, but should still be approved internally by the hosting department.

  • Payment Procedures

    Expenses for official functions will be paid by an Electronic Internal Order (EIO) when goods and services are obtained from within the University. If costs are incurred outside the University, a PCard, Check/ACH Request Form, or Purchase Order (PO) may be used. Original detailed receipts or invoices should be attached along with a copy of the full approved AAF. Receipts from restaurants or hotels must be the detailed ticket rather than a ticket stub or credit card receipt. When an official function is conducted while an individual is on travel status, the related costs can be claimed on the Travel Expense Sheet.