2020 A.M. and Jo Winchester Distinguished Scholar Announced

November 13, 2019
Sarah Goodrum, Ph.D., a professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, has been chosen as the 2020 Winchester Distinguished Scholar by UNC's Faculty Research and Publications Board.
The award, which recognizes demonstrated continued excellence in scholarly activity at UNC for at least five years, comes with a $2,000 monetary award and the designation, for the rest of the honoree’s time at UNC, as an A.M. and Jo Winchester Distinguished Professor.
Goodrum, who joined UNC in 2014 and is the chair of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, has more than 20 years of experience conducting research on victimization, school-violence prevention, intimate partner abuse and the criminal justice system.
Along with collaborators from the University of Colorado Boulder’s Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, Goodrum is a co-principal investigator on a recently awarded $1-million grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to evaluate the Colorado School Safety Resource Center’s Threat Assessment and Management Protocol training program for school officials to prevent violence.
Her book, “After Homicide: Victims’ Families in the Criminal Justice System,” was
published in October and chronicles experiences of families of homicide victims with
the case from death notification through the trial. She has also coauthored the Report on the Arapahoe High School Shooting (2016) and the Colorado Attorney General’s Office’s School Safety Guide (2019) (Image at right). She has testified before the Colorado legislature’s SB15-214: Committee on School Safety and Youth in Crisis, a project that examines violence-prevention strategies in school settings.
A luncheon honoring Goodrum, college scholars and Office of Sponsored Programs awardees will be held during Academic Excellence Week in April of 2020.