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Bears Vote logo, a yellow ballot with a blue claw
Logo of Bears Vote Coalition a ballot with a bear
Andrew Galster smiling
Trish Escobar and Rogelio García-Pérez
Charlotte Padrnos and Hannah Jobman side-by-side headshots
Ailin Amaro and Diana Muñoz hugging each other and holding a flower bouquet
Kennedy Dechant and Penny Nichol in front of a snowy mountain
Zvi Gutierrez
Samuel Dong Saul
Brian Luedloff
Adaeze Adams
Adaeze Adams
Sofia Alvarez
Lin Allen UNC professor
Katie Nord, new Bear in Mind host
Senior journalism program students attending to the NAB convention
Robert Bruswig headshot
Robert Bruswig headshot
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Christina Ruffatti
Patrick Brady
Patrick Brady
Karen Barton
Andy Feinstein
Thomas Endres
Shelle Schwartz
Nathan Wetzel
Shawn Montano headshot
Nikaya Lawson and Ann Adele Blassingame sitting together on a couch
Dannon Cox
Lyda McCartin
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Katy LaFary
William Merchant
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Quinn Ayers
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Drawing of a women drawn by Dany Batchelor.
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68 - go on and learn
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Danielle Brittain
Andy Feinstein
Tobias Guzman
Sara Movahedazarhouligh
Sarah Movahedazarhouligh, Graduate student studying special education at UNC
Jacob Skousen, Assistant Professor  of Leadership, Policy, and Development: Educational Leadership and Policy Studies College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Pete Smoak, Ph.D. Candidate reseaching Kefit benefits for patients with chemotherapy history.
Jonny Lisano, Ph.D. Candidate completing research on marijuana and exercise
Stephen Loveless, Director of the GSRC at UNC
Student Leadership for Environmental Action Fund (LEAF) Logo
Monkey temple in Nepal
Jesse Clark
Jen Mayer, Assistant Professor and Head of Library Research Services
Chelsie Romulo, Ph.D.
Dr. Dale Edwards
Dr. Steven Seegel
David Lerach, Ph.D.
Dr. Keiko Krahnke
Dr. Melissa Malde
Dr. Michael Welsh, Ph.D.
Example of a medieval table of food
Dr. Megan Babkes Stellino, Ed.D.
Dr. Angie Henderson
Local Farm
Local Farm
Dr. Lauryn Benedict
Matthew Farber
Kay Norton
Veronica Adams
Brian Dauenhauer
Dr. Russell Carson, Ph.D.
Dr. Ather Zia
Dr. Ather Zia
Dr. Aldo Romero
Dr. Karen Barton
Dr. Frank Cook
Dr. Maria Lahman
Dr. Susan Collins
Teneisha Ellis
Michelle Low
Dr. Jeri Kraver
Dr. George Juune
Michael Kimball
Michael Kimball
Cliff Leek
Rand Harmon
Michael Mosher
Charmayne Cullom
Dr. Bob Brustad
Janice Dickensheets
Kristina Phillips
Harvey Rude
Dr. Kiki Gilderhus
Natalie Padilla
Dr. Charles Kuehn
Pam Campanaro
Dr. Thomas Endres
Associate Professor & Coordinator of Gender Studies, Christine Talbot
David Grapes
Kamie Ethridge
Jingzi Huang
Steven Anderson
Shelly Gaza
Dr. Gregory Williams