2019 Rosenberry Writers' Conference
February 12, 2019
The 2019 Rosenberry Writers' Conference is taking place at the University of Northern Colorado from Monday, Feb. 25, to Wednesday, Feb. 27, and is free and open to the public (free parking in UNC lots after 5 p.m.).
This year’s event will feature readings by three award-winning authors from three genres: creative nonfiction, fiction and poetry, as well as a Q-and-A session and book signing following each of the readings.
More information on the three award-winning authors:
Creative nonfiction writer Elisa Gabbert will kick things off on Monday, Feb. 25. Gabbert is a poet and essayist and the author
of four collections: The Word Pretty (Black Ocean, 2018), L’Heure Bleue, or the Judy Poems (Black Ocean, 2016), The Self Unstable (Black Ocean, 2013), and The French Exit (Birds LLC, 2010). Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, the New York Times, the New York Review of Books, the Guardian Long Read, Boston Review, the Paris Review Daily, Pacific Standard, Guernica, and many other venues.
Fiction writer Teague Bohlen will speak on the second night, Feb. 26. Bohlen is the director of Creative Writing
at the University of Colorado, Denver, where he serves as fiction editor for the literary
magazine, Copper Nickel and faculty advisor for the student newspaper, The Sentry. His first novel, The Pull of the Earth, won the Colorado Book Award for fiction. His shorter work has been seen in journals
nationwide, and he covers the literary and pop culture beats as a regular contributor
to the alt-weekly Westword. His latest is Flatland, a collection of flash fictions set in the American Midwest, as befitting his corn-fed
The conference concludes with poet Joy Roulier Sawyer. Sawyer is the author of Lifeguards (Conundrum Press) and Tongues of Men and Angels (White Violet Press). Her poetry appears in LIGHT Quarterly, Lilliput Review, New York Quarterly, St. Petersburg Review, Theology Today, and many others. Sawyer holds masters from New York University, where she was the
recipient of the Herbert Rubin Award for Outstanding Creative Writing and teaches
at Lighthouse Writers Workshop in Denver.
The UNC Rosenberry Writers' Conference is dedicated to promoting cultural creativity and diversity through free public readings and classroom conversations that identify and support exceptional contemporary writers. These events focus on crossing the boundaries between campus and community, writer and reader and text and genre.