Given the weather forecast, it seems like we might just skip fall altogether. As I approach my second Colorado winter, I thought it would be helpful to review how and when decisions are made about the operations of the university, including closures and late openings.
When responding to inclement weather conditions, we primarily consider conditions in the immediate vicinity of campus, including road conditions in Greeley, and our obligation to students who live on campus. Our facilities staff arrives early in the morning – some as early as 3 a.m. - to clear snow and de-ice with the intention of being open whenever possible. Thanks to their efforts, along with the city’s snow removal from roadways, UNC rarely has to close or open late.
That said, if we do need to close the university or delay its opening, that decision will be communicated by 6:30 a.m. Notifications of closures are sent via the UNC Emergency Alert system to campus phones, e-mail and text messages to subscribed cell phones. In mid-September, we tested the alert system – if you didn’t get a text, this is a great time to make sure your information in the system is current (visit unco.edu/alerts). We also post the status on UNC’s Twitter and Facebook and let Greeley and Denver media know. A mid-day closure will be communicated through the same means.
Most of the UNC community resides on campus or within 10 miles. However, we recognize that some students, faculty and staff have longer commutes from home locations where weather conditions may vary. We encourage individuals to use discretion in making decisions about traveling to campus. If the university is open and students are delayed or unable to travel to campus due to weather conditions, they should notify their faculty. Employees should discuss appropriate arrangements with their supervisor; this may include working from home, taking vacation leave or making up the time missed.
Even when classes are canceled or the university is closed, critical functions continue. These include clearing snow, maintaining campus security, continuing housing and dining operations, and providing services and activities. Staff in these areas should check with their supervisors.
Weather conditions can change rapidly. Despite the best efforts of our dedicated facilities team, keep in mind there may be slick spots on campus during or after a storm. Exercise caution and report trouble spots to 970-351-2446 or grounds@unco.edu. When severe winter weather is forecast for Greeley, we will generally post advisories on the UNC home page and on our social media channels. Be safe out there!
Rowing Not Drifting,
Andy Feinstein
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