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UNC phishing dude

Impostor Scams, Cybercrime and Online Fraud Can Happen to Anyone 

Impostor scams come in many varieties but work the same way: a scammer pretends to be someone you trust to convince you to send them money. Learn how to spot an impostor scam.

Visit: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/features/feature-0037-imposter-scams for examples and videos which can help you identify the scams.

If you find that you have been scammed here is what you should do:

1st – Stop communicating with the person and contact the UNC Police Department at 970-351-2341.

2nd – Open a support ticket with the Technical Support Center!

Help us, help you!
Report all technical issues to the TSC.
Phone: 970-351-4357 or 800-545-2331
Online: help.unco.edu
Email: help@unco.edu

We can then check to see if the email has any links as assist blocking the site and help you junk the message!

3rd – Did you purchase anything with a personal card expecting a reimbursement?

Visit: The Colorado Attorney General’s Office’s - Stop Fraud Colorado site: https://www.stopfraudcolorado.gov/ then click on Report Fraud!

Visit: The Cybercrime Support Network site: https://FraudSupport.org this site was created by to provide assistance to both individual and small business cybercrime victims. FraudSupport.org will lead cybercrime victims through the Report, Recover and Reinforce process after an incident occurs.

Cybercrime and Online Fraud Can Happen to Anyone

With UNC’s access to LinkedIn Learning (https://linkedinlearning.unco.edu) check out the series on Cybersecurity Awareness. Login to your free training and search for “CyberSecurity Awareness” to learn new skills!

Visit www.unco.edu\cybersecurity for faculty, staff and student cybersecurity resources.