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Liquor Service

As a licensed liquor retailer, UNC Catering is happy to provide requested alcohol for your event when held at a campus location.

UNC Dining Services manages all liquor licenses on campus and is responsible for the safe serving of alcohol to our campus community and guests.

Events on campus serving alcohol are required to hire university security. Events serving alcohol must also serve non-alcoholic drink options. Identification will be checked at all events with alcohol.


UNC Catering certified TIPS-trained bartenders must serve all alcohol. All managers and bartenders are TIPS Certified (Training for Intervention Procedures) and follow the guidelines for serving patrons over the 21 years of age. We reserve the right to refuse service or limit alcohol service in compliance with Colorado State Regulations. No refunds will be given in the event of such occurrence.

Due to the liquor license that UNC holds we are unable to offer alcohol at any event that does not offer a food option to all guests. The food quantity ordered must match the attendee count. Your event planner can work with you on the best option for your event.

Signs are posted at every exit of our licensed locations stating alcohol is not permitted outside that boundary. Conversely, outside alcohol may not be brought into any of our licensed facilities. If outside alcohol is brought in and passes the boundary of the liquor license, the item will be confiscated. If the problem persists, UNC Police will ask the guest to leave the event.

If blatant violations occur, the event may be shut down.  Sample violations could include guests bringing in alcohol, taking alcohol outside the boundaries of the liquor license, buying alcohol for persons not yet 21 years of age, or exhibiting signs of intoxication. No refunds will be given if the event is shut down by the UNC Police Department.

There is a set up fee for each bar. One bar is sufficient for up to 275 guests.

Liquor Service Fees

  • Beer, Wine, Soda Bar set up fee - $125
  • Full bar set up fee - $150
  • Bartender - $25 per hour
  • Gratuity on hosted bars - $18%

Cash Bars

At a cash bar, guests pay for their own drinks and gratuity at the event. A tip jar will be placed at the bar.

Host / Ticketed Bars

At a hosted bar, the client is responsible for payment of the final bill. Hosted bars that are fully hosted without tickets cannot exceed two consecutive hours. Tickets may be purchased for your guests but must be distributed by the host. An 18% tip will be added to the total amount of host sales.

  • Option 1: A pre-determined number of hours established by the host, not to exceed two (2) hours in order to provide reasonable efforts for the safe serving of alcohol. If the hosted bar without tickets is to be open up to five (5) hours, the remaining three (3) hours given to a bar being opened must be cash.
  • Option 2: You may provide drink tickets to your guests to be used for beer, wine, and mixed drinks. You will be charged by how many tickets are collected.
  • UNC Catering will provide tickets upon request at no additional charge.

Length of Bars/Service Hours

  • Host Bar Option 1 above - will not exceed 2 hours
  • Cash Bar - will not exceed 5 hours
  • If a Cash Bar is offered in conjunction with a Host bar, the total length of alcohol service will not exceed 5 hours.
  • All alcohol service will end no later than 10pm.
  • A maximum of 3 hours will be allowed for alcohol service after the end of the meal service.
  • Service length for bars and alcohol service must be continuous. No breaks in service time to extend the total length of alcohol at an event will be allowed.
  • UNC reserves the right to close alcohol service if there are issues during the event.

Donated Alcohol

Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division requires special procedures for the utilization of donated alcohol on campus. Please check with your event planner to obtain approval and ensure proper procedure is followed.

  • Donated alcohol must be for bona fide fundraising purposes for a Non-Profit organization. (Donations must be made to an organization that is incorporated under the laws of this state for non-profit purposes, including but not limited to social, fraternal, patriotic, political, educational or athletic purposes, and not for pecuniary gain).
  • Tickets may be sold for events with donated alcohol as long as the fee is the same for anyone attending the event, regardless of whether they consume alcohol or not.
  • Donations of alcohol must be from a Colorado wholesaler, Brew Pub, or Winery that possesses a current license to distribute. Donations from a retail liquor store are not allowed. A wholesaler is an entity, party, or person licensed to sell alcohol beverages at wholesale prices in bulk to retail stores, limited wineries, , distillery brew pubs, or vintner’s restaurants. Most liquor stores that sell wine and spirits to the general public are considered retailers and would not be considered permissible for donations.
  • A licensed wholesaler may donate alcohol beverages at no cost if such beverages are used for fundraising purposes.
  • UNC Dining Services must provide the TIPS-trained bartenders for any service of alcohol. Events will be charged to cover labor involved in receiving and serving alcohol only. We do not charge a corkage fee.
  • Wholesaler will deliver donated alcohol to UNC for acceptance by Dining Services. The wholesaler must provide a “zero-cost invoice”. The invoice must describe the name and amount of product donated, the name of the non-profit organization and the location of the event.
  • Donated alcohol with the required paperwork from the wholesaler will be accepted by UNC Dining Services where the event is located a minimum of 24 hours in advance, but date of delivery must be coordinated with Dining Services to assure there is staff available to receive the delivery.
  • Kegs are not allowed.
  • Any requests for donation of alcohol must be approved by the Director of Dining Services. Please submit Donation Alcohol Request to event planner at least 45 days prior to event date.