DICAS Information
- Be sure to follow directions very closely.
- This program is using the on-line centralized internship application, DICAS, which may be accessed via the hyperlink. For questions, please e-mail DICAS. The on-line application must be completed for our program. The fee to use
DICAS is $45 for the first application submitted and $20 for each additional application.
- Applicants who apply to internships using DICAS will be asked to complete a personal statement in 1,000 words or less. Questions to be addressed in the personal statement include:
- Why do you want to enter the dietetics profession?
- What are some experiences that have helped to prepare you for your career?
- What are your short-term and long-term goals?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses or areas needing improvement?
- Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended should be sent directly to: DICAS – Transcript Dept., PO Box 9118, Watertown, MA 02472.
- When completing the application form, applicants must include the name and contact
information (specifically an e-mail address) for each reference. This will trigger
an e-mail message requesting completion of a reference form. The form will be completed
on-line. Students submitting more than one application will need to use the same individuals
as references for each application.
- Applicants must also register online with D&D Digital for computer matching and select dietetic internship priority choices by deadline
(see important dates). There is an additional $50 computer matching fee.
- Additional information on using DICAS is available here. Read through this information and scroll down for other topics to click on, specifically
Suggestions to Improve Your Chances at Getting an Internship Position, Computer Matching
Applicant Responsibilities, and Video for Dietetic Internship Centralized Application
- If you have any questions or concerns about your DICAS submission of information,
please email DICAS Customer Support or call 617-612-2855.