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The Application Process

  • Thoroughly review the How to Apply document under "Application Information" for a step-by-step guide on completing your application
  • Review the Important Dates link to ensure you complete all of the required steps according to their due dates

Early Admission for UNC students and Alumni:

Early admission is available to UNC DPD students and graduates. Opting for Early Admission allows applicants to bypass the DICAS system, and receive their acceptance notification earlier than our General Admission candidates. Please email dietetic.internship@unco.edu for instructions on how to apply for Early Admission. 

Application Information for General Admission (DICAS): 

General Admission Checklist for DI/MSDI Application 

Documents to be submitted with your DI application: 
Stand-alone DI: Rotation summary form with instructions
Stand-alone DI: Preceptor and Facility Form
Stand-alone DI: Grad Degree Confirmation 

Preceptor Search Information:

Application Process: Introduction Video

For DI applicants: How to build your rotation summary