Student Employee of the Year Winner Announced

April 19, 2019
UNC senior Samantha Melchor was named the 2019 Student Employee of the Year during the ninth annual Student Employee Recognition event April 18. Melchor, an Audiology and Speech-Language Sciences major who works in Campus Recreation and Outdoor Pursuits, was among 66 students who campus departments nominated for the award.
Melchor is described as hardworking, honest and helpful by her nominator Whitney Dyer, assistant director of Outdoor Pursuits and Risk Management.
"As a trip leader, ropes course facilitator, Gear Shop assistant, workshop instructor and climbing wall supervisor, you wonder how anyone could balance all of these responsibilities on top of being a fulltime student. For Sam, she works like it’s her life’s purpose," Dyer said.
During the presentation, students were recognized for their service by Tobias Guzmán, Ph.D., assistant vice president of Campus Community and Climate, and Montez Butts-Clanin, director of Residential Education.
"UNC has an average of 1,500 student-employees who work an average of 15 hours per week on campus," said Guzmán, who thanked students “for all of their hard work.”