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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I don't plan to live on campus, can I still be in Cumbres?

    Yes, you can still paticipate in Cumbres if you do not live on campus.  However, if you are going to live on campus your freshman year, we strongly encourage you to live in South Hall with the Cumbres cohort.

  • I want to choose my roommate, but he/she is not in Cumbres, can we still live together?

    It depends on whether we fill our living community with Cumbres students.  If, after the July 1 deadline, we still have space available in our residence hall, you may request to live with a non-Cumbres roommate.  We cannot guarantee that you will be matched with your first choice of roommate but Housing and Residential Education does their best to match compatible people.

  • I am already a student on campus, can I join Cumbres?

    We prioritize recruiting incoming freshmen and transfer students who are beginning their first year at UNC, so you become an involved member of the Cumbres community from the beginning.  We invest many resources into our first-year students and want you to be able to experience the comprehensive support we offer.

  • What if I don't have a 2.75 GPA?

    As an incoming freshman or transfer student, you will receive a Cumbres scholarship your first semester, regardless of the GPA you had at your prior institution.  Renewal of the scholarship will be contingent on you maintaining a 2.75 cumulative GPA at UNC.

    If your GPA falls below 2.75, you will still be in Cumbres, but will not receive the $750/semester scholarship until you raise your cumulative GPA to 2.75.  We will still expect you to complete community service, mentor reflection papers and leadership development requirements and will continue to offer advice while you work to raise your grades.

  • I am not a U.S. citizen, can I be in Cumbres?

    Yes.  Cumbres considers all applicants, regardless of your citizenship or residency status.  We base our admittance on your interest in becoming a teacher and your commitment to the CLD endorsement. However, be aware that you will be asked to have your fingerprints taken and submit to a background check in order to volunteer in classrooms. You will also be required to produce certain documentation in order to take your Praxis test and apply for a teaching license with the state.

  • What if I change my major after joining Cumbres?

    If you change your major to something other than education, or you drop the CLD endorsement, you will no longer be eligible to participate in Cumbres.  ALL members must continue to pursue a major in education (including Early Childhood, Elementary, Special Education and all Secondary or K-12 majors) and the endorsement in CLD to be in the Cumbres program.