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Deaf-Blind Series

This collection of webinar focuses on the topic area of Deaf-Blind interpreting.

The following is provided for each webinar:

    • Title,
    • Air date,
    • Presenter,
    • Description,
    • Target audience, and
    • Aavailable materials are provided.

Within this series, webinars are listed in chronological order from the most recent webinar to the oldest.

Want CEUs?

  • Find a CMP Approved Sponsor for an Independent Study through the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
  • Work with the Sponsor to design an Independent Study plan involving any of the webinars below

Deaf-Blind Webinars

Anatomy of an Interpretation

Original Air Date: May 23, 2013
Presenter: Rhonda Jacobs

Description: This webinar, geared toward interpreter educators and working interpreters, with or without experience working with people who are deaf-blind, will build upon the previous webinar, A Process Model for Deaf-Blind Interpreting, and examine an interpretation done by a Deaf interpreter working with a Deaf-Blind individual, looking at how various aspects of an interpretation are done, particularly the incorporation of visual information.

Opening Slide from Anatomy...

For participants who did not participate in the previous webinar, there will be a brief review of the process model of interpreting previously presented. 

Target Audience: Interpreter educators & working interpreters


A Process Model for Deaf-Blind Interpreting

Original Air Date: February 21, 2013
Presenter: Rhonda Jacobs

Description: This webinar, geared toward interpreter educators and working interpreters, with or without experience working with people who are deaf-blind, will present A Process Model for Deaf-Blind Interpreting as published in the 2005 Journal of Interpretation, updated to include work published since 2005. 

PowerPoint Opening Slide from A Process Model...

Participants will examine a process model of interpreting as it relates to deaf-blind interpreting, considering such elements as visual information, message analysis, contextual analysis, linguistic modifications and back-channeling.

Target Audience: Interpreter Education Program faculty, internship hosts/supervisors, mentors, working interpreters & IEP students


Grant Recognition

The contents of the Project CLIMB website was developed under a grant (#H160D160001) from the Department of Education. The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education. Do not assume endorsement by the Federal government.

As of December 31, 2021, this grant project is no longer active or soliciting applications.
This website will remain available as a resource.

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