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Goal Four

Interns will demonstrate a commitment towards multicultural competency and humility.


  • Interns will demonstrate awareness of and sensitivity to the impact of diversity issues

    Competencies expected:

    • Interns will demonstrate awareness of how one's personal identities (e.g., race, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexual orientation, ability status, gender, etc.) may impact clinical work and professional relationships
    • Interns will demonstrate awareness of how cultural factors influence clinical presentation, conceptualization, diagnosis, and the counseling process
    • Interns will engage in self-assessment of cultural skills and competencies, with recognition of own strengths and areas of growth
    • Interns will demonstrate an appreciation for human differences and desire to grow multi-culturally
    • Interns will articulate privileged identities and demonstrate awareness of how this privilege may impact the therapeutic process
  • Interns will provide competent multicultural practice

    Competencies expected:

    • Interns will demonstrate culture-specific knowledge about diverse groups of people
    • Interns will demonstrate ability to gather essential and accurate psychosocial information related to diversity characteristics
    • Interns will effectively process multicultural issues in clinical work and when receiving supervision
    • Interns will demonstrate multi-culturally competent individual therapy

Intern Evaluations

Our intern evaluation forms flow directly from these goals, objectives, and competencies. Interns formally receive feedback on their performance twice per semester in Fall and Spring and once in Summer.