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Goal Three

Interns will cultivate the knowledge and awareness needed for ethical practice as a psychologist.


  • Interns will demonstrate knowledge and awareness needed for ethical practice as a psychologist

    Competencies expected:

    • Interns will demonstrate an apply knowledge of the APA Code of Ethics
    • Interns will demonstrate and apply knowledge of the State of Colorado legal and professional standards of practice
    • Interns will recognize and address ethical dilemmas appropriately
    • Interns will practice within bounds of competence
    • Interns will seek out additional knowledge (i.e., readings, scholarly literature, trainings, consultation) when competency is limited
    • Interns will maintain appropriate and timely documentation of all clinical work
    • Interns will maintain appropriate boundaries with clients, trainees etc.
    • Interns will consult and seek supervision appropriately
  • Interns will demonstrate appropriate self-awareness needed for ethical practice

    Competencies expected:

    • Interns will demonstrate ability to self-evaluate their skills, including strengths and areas of growth
    • Interns will demonstrate ability to engage in self-care and manage personal stress effectively
    • Interns will demonstrate awareness of own biases, needs, and beliefs
    • Interns will demonstrate awareness of counter transference issues with clients and supervisees

Intern Evaluations

Our intern evaluation forms flow directly from these goals, objectives, and competencies. Interns formally receive feedback on their performance twice per semester in Fall and Spring and once in Summer.