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Summer Support Initiative

Congratulations to the 2017 SSI Awardees!

2018 SSI Competition 

2018 SSI Request for Proposals
The purpose of the Summer Support Initiative is to encourage and support grant writing, research, scholarship, and creative works during the summer months when many faculty, academic leaders, and staff have more discretionary time than during the academic year, but require resources in order to carry out these activities. Projects may involve the development of (1) proposals for submission to external sponsors, (2) projects in research, scholarship, or creative works with a focus compatible with a faculty member's disciplinary or interdisciplinary expertise, or (3) projects in the area of engaged research scholarship, or creative works. The FRPB encourages projects that show clear potential for growing into externally funded programs.

Full time instructional faculty members (tenured, tenure-track, and contract renewable), chairs, directors, associate and assistant deans of academic units, and full-time exempt and classified staff members in the Division of Academic Affairs who have responsibilities in scholarship (e.g., writing grants for their units) are eligible to apply. Individuals who are overdue in submitting final reports for previous internal awards (including FRPB, Provost, SSI and Reassignment Program awards) are not eligible for SSI funding.

Application Deadline

Summer Support Initiative applications are due the Friday before Spring Break each year. The 2018 deadline is noon, March 9, 2018. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

SSI Final Report Form

Internal Award Budget Guidelines

The Internal Budget Guidelines provide a consistent method for handling internal awards to accommodate new university budget guidelines; they apply to Provost Fund Grants, FRPB Grants, OSP Travel Grants, and Summer Support Initiative Awards.

Prior year SSI awardees