Cultural Competence Series
This collection of webinar focuses on a variety of topic areas around cultural competence.
The following is provided for each webinar:
- Title,
- Air date,
- Presenter,
- Description,
- Target audience, and
- Aavailable materials are provided.
Within this series, webinars are listed in chronological order from the most recent webinar to the oldest.
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Cultural Competence Webinars
Black Narrative & Culturally Competent Services
Original Air Date: April 11, 2016
Presenter: Erica West Oyedele
Description: This webinar will present participants with several real life scenarios that were shared by Black interpreters in the 2015 master’s thesis by Erica West Oyedele, Persistence of African-American/Black Signed Language Interpreters in the United States: The Importance of Culture and Capital.
Participants will be given an opportunity to discuss how these experiences impact relationships between Black interpreters, interpreters of color and their White counterparts in the spheres of education and the workplace. Participants will review a model of cultural competence and devise strategies for applying culturally competent care. Anyone interested in dismantling systems of oppression, increasing the number of interpreters of color, and working towards social justice within the field of interpreting and interpreter education is encouraged to attend this webinar.
Target Audience: All interpreters and interested stakeholders
Note: The recording does not include the first few minutes of the webinar. The missing information can be found in the transcript.
Power & Privilege: Deaf and Hearing Interpreters' Experiences
Original Air Date: February 29, 2016
Presenters: Risa Shaw & Debra Russell
Description: How do Deaf and hearing interpreters talk about power and privilege when they reflect on their work? This presentation discusses the experiences of interpreters from Canada and the U.S. and their views on constructs of power and privilege dynamics in interpreted interactions.
The data we will share showed intersections among power and privilege, interpreters' sense of agency, interpreters' conceptualization of the task of interpreting, negative power dynamics among Deaf and hearing teams, and the need for specialized training about these concepts and how to work together effectively as D/H teams.
Target Audience: Interpreters interested in legal interpreting
Note: The recording does not include the first 10 minutes of the webinar. The missing information can be found in the transcript.
Grant Recognition
The contents of the Project CLIMB website was developed under a grant (#H160D160001) from the Department of Education. The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education. Do not assume endorsement by the Federal government.
As of December 31, 2021, this grant project is no longer active or soliciting applications.
This website will remain available as a resource.
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