Speaker Notes:
Campus Climate Survey
- There has been a good response from staff and faculty
- There is a limited response from students
- Make sure to encourage students
- We will need to have a good percentage for credibility
- These responses will serve as a blueprint moving forward
- Audience Question: Are students still asked to do Mapworks?
- Not sure. I will ask about the intersection of the two surveys
- Not sure. I will ask about the intersection of the two surveys
- Audience Question: Is there an incentive for students?
- Yes there is.
- Yes there is.
- There is no sanitizing of the report
- Results go directly to the consultants working on the project.
- The responses are completely anonymous
- The President and Provost get the report 1 week before the campus
- Results go directly to the consultants working on the project.
- Audience Question: Are emails/posters being sent out?
- Yes, but bigger visibility would be better
- There will need to be another poster campaign
- Yes, but bigger visibility would be better
- Audience Question: If the student response rate doesn’t go up, what happens?
- Will follow up
Campus Climate and Community Division
- This division was created to work through the communication pieces
- 1st step
- Bring AVP candidates to campus
- We are not sure when the AVP will start, but it will hopefully be the Spring
- We talked to all constituents about professional development
- We asked what the pedagogy/philosophical view for groundwork of professional development
- It will vary by department
- There will also be an assessment of balance between academic freedom and community
- Finalists will have good experience in professional development
- Looking at different levels of workshops
- We want to create learning environment where we can make mistakes
- The learning environment focus is especially important when we are learning about equity, inclusion, and individual dynamics.
- This is all looking at how we work through and deal with conflict
- Audience Comment: The folks using professional development are not the ones who necessarily are seeking
it out
- CSU has utilized department wide sessions
- Audience Comment: CETL has tried departmental sessions and certificates
- Audience Comment: The support needs to come from the top down
- Katrina: The division was created to address this issue
- It feels like the time is right, but we realize there will be many challenges
- We love our students and care about our campus
- Audience Comment: Right now there are limited opportunities (ie. Catalyst)
- We are looking at data and providing more opportunities
- Thinking about a staff & faculty Catalyst retreat
- A common language is very important
- We are looking at common understanding about language (ie. social justice)
- We are currently looking at the hiring process and Search Committees
- We are looking to make more equitable searches
- This will also look at address unconscious bias and will be a multi-year process
- We are using the text “Reframing Campus Conflict”
- This text talks about student conduct through a social justice lens
- Addresses informal to formal conflict management
- Staff will be trained to help with conflict management/resolution
- Audience Question: Could this be a seed we can plant at orientation?
- Absolutely. Students could be trained and it would be a great experience for them
- Audience Question: What are the next steps for this training?
- We would like to have a good representation at first so we can have several develop after that initial group
PASC Satisfaction Survey Results
- Professional Development is desired
- Would like to see more information about grants and scholarships
- There was an issue brought up with disconnect from administration
- What would you like to see in Professional Development?
- Should we do another survey for PD?
- There is a desire for more opportunities to plug-in
- There needs to be support to be able to seek out opportunities
Question from Student Reporter: How will Bias Response be handled and by who?
- It will be handled through the portal of the Dean of Students
- Follow up: Are any members from the Bias Response Team currently in that process
- There is one person that is handling complaints that served on the team
Question from Student Reporter: How is the university addressing free speech and academic freedom?
- UNC has always upheld and will continue to uphold these principles