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Construction Bids

Current Published Construction Bids


Pre Bid sign in sheet: 

Bid Tabulations:

  • Chiller Replacement for Ross Hall and Gunter Hall IFB 001-25
  • UC North Lawn Turf Conversion A-2249

Awarded Construction Bids:

  • UNC-IFB-006-22 - Heating Plant Boiler #3 Replacement - GH Phipps Construction Companies
  • UNC-IFB-001-23 - Replace Chillers - Michener and Candelaria - MTECH Mechanical Technologies Group
  • UNC-IFB-003-23 - Butler Hancock Re-Roof Decks 1, 4, 5, 5a, 6 & 7 - Alpine Roofing
  • UNC-IFB-004-23 - Arts Annex Sprinkler Addition - GH Phipps Constructions
  • Ross Hall '89 Wing Roof Replacement A-2403 - Front Range Roofiing
  • UC North Lawn Turf Conversion A-2249 - Zak George Landscaping
  • Chiller Replacement for Ross Hall and Gunter Hall IFB 001-25 -