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Ashlee Kemp

Ashlee Kemp

Graduate Student

Psychological Sciences
Education and Behavioral Sciences

Contact Information


Liberty University - Master's in Education

Christopher Newport University - Bachelor's in Psychology

Research/Areas of Interest

My research interests include teacher perspectives on online vs. in-person instruction during COVID-19 pandemic, transformative experiences, and creativity. 

Publications/Creative Works

Azzarello, C., & Kemp, A. (2022, Aug 4-5). Critical Race Theory: Teacher Beliefs on the Implementation within the Curriculum. [Poster Presentation]. American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US. https://convention.apa.org/agenda/agenda-at-a-glance 

Azzarello, C., & Kemp, A. (2022, April 7-8). Critical Race Theory: Teacher Beliefs on the Implementation within the Curriculum. [Poster Presentation]. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Salt Lake City, Utah, US. http://www.rockymountainpsych.com/travel 

Kemp, A. (2023, February 18) Teacher Perspectives on Online vs. In-Person Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic. [Oral Presentation]. The Qualitative Report, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US. https://www.nova.edu/academic-affairs/tqr-annual-conference/conference%20theme.html