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Sueellen Dechenne

Sueellen Dechenne

Assistant Professor

School of Biological Sciences
Natural and Health Sciences

Contact Information

Ross Hall, Room 2570
Office Hours
M 12:05- 1:30 W 9:00- 10:30
Mailing Address
501 20th Street, Greeley, CO 80639


Professional/Academic Experience

This is the content region for Professional/Academic Experience.

Research/Areas of Interest

My research interests center around biology education. I am interested in factors which are important in retaining students in the biology major, especially during their first year at the university. I am interested in the development of graduate students and post-doc as instructors. I also study how to teach biology students scientific skills such as: the ability to develop a research question, design an experiment, develop and critique a scientific argument, and draw conclusions. Finally, I am interested in how discipline-based educational researchers (DBER) and science faculty view the relationship between DBER and science instruction.

Publications/Creative Works

Peer-reviewed research publications

    1. DeChenne, S.E., Carew, J., & Stains, M. (2014). Published Freshman Laboratory Exercises as Indicators of Level of Awareness and Adoption of Instructional Practices Grounded in Discipline-Based Education Research. Journal of College Science Teaching, 43(6), 60-70. This manuscript was highlighted in Editor’s Choice: In Other Journals, Science, (2014), 345(6196), 528.
    2. DeChenne, S. E., Enochs, L., & Needham, M. (2012). Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistants Teaching Self-Efficacy. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learnin, 12(4), 102-123.
    3. DeChenne, S. E., Anderson, S. M., Lesseig, K. R., Li, S. L., Staus, N. L., Barthel, C. (2012). Towards a Measure of Graduate Student Teaching Professional Development. Journal of Effective Teaching, 12(1), 4-19.
    4. Kang, N.K., DeChenne, S.E., & Smith, G. (2012). Inquiry learning of high school students through a problem-based environmental health science curriculum. School Science and Mathematics, 112(3), 171-178.
Published under former name: Chantler, S.E.
  1. Brown, W.C., McElwain, T.F., Palmer, G.H., Chantler, S.E., Estes, D.M. (1999). Bovine CD4(+) T-lymphocyte clones specific for rhoptry-associated protein 1 of Babesia bigemina stimulate enhanced immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) and IgG2 synthesis. Infection and Immunity, 67(1), 155-64.
  2. Brown, W.C., Estes, D.M., Chantler, S.E., Degerreis, K.A., Suarez, C.E. (1998). DNA and a CpG oligonucleotide derived from Babesia bovis are mitogenic for bovine B cells. Infection and Immunity, 66(11), 5423-32.
  3. Laughlin, M.J., Chantler, S.E., Okita, T.W.(1998). N- and C-terminal peptide sequences are essential for enzyme assembly, allosteric, and/or catalytic properties of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. The Plant Journal, 14(2), 159-68.
  4. Greene, T.W., Chantler, S.E., Kahn, M.L., Barry, G.F., Preiss, J., Okita, T.W. (1996). Mutagenesis of the potato tuber ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase and characterization of an allosteric mutant defective in 3-phosphoglycerate activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(4), 1509-1513.

Recent presentations

  1. DeChenne, S.E., Olimpo, J., Ronquillo, S., Lenh, R., Le, J., and Munyaka, B. (2015, May). Implementation of Active Learning in the Biology Classroom: An Observational Study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Microbiology Committee for Undergraduate Education, Austin, TX.
  2. DeChenne, S.E., Olimpo, J., Munyaka, B., and Larson, N. (2014, July). Factors Impacting Student Success and Persistence in the Biology Major. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, Minneapolis, MN.
  3. DeChenne, S.E., Chakraverty, D., and Stains, M. (2014, July). Relationships between DEBR and Science Instruction: Perceptions from Stakeholders. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, Minneapolis, MN.
  4. Olimpo, J., Munyaka, B., Larson, N., and DeChenne, S.E. (2014, July). A Comparative Examination of Student and Faculty Expectations for Learning in an Inquiry-Based Advanced Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory Course. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, Minneapolis, MN.
  5. Olimpo, J., DeChenne, S.E., Keenan, S., Munyaka, B. (2014, May). Should I Stay or Should I Go: An Examination of Student and Faculty Expectations for Success in a First-Semester Introductory Biology Course and Its Implications for Student Persistence in the Biology Major. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Microbiology Committee for Undergraduate Education, Danvers, MA.
  6. DeChenne, S.E., Carew, J., & Stains, M. (2013, July). Published Laboratories as Indicators of Awareness and Adoption of DBER-Based Instructional Practices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, Minneapolis, MN.