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Aly Williamson

Aly Williamson

Candidate for Senator - Performing & Visual Arts


About Me

Year: Sophomore

Major/Minor: BME Instrumental Music Education, BME Voice Music Education

Involvement: I’m an active member in UNCO’s school of music! I have participated in our Symphonic Band, Jazz Lab III, Women’s Glee, Concert Choir, and Trombone Choir! Apart from my time in the school of music I have spent time working in both housing and dining throughout my college career!

Why I want to be a part of Student Senate: I feel strongly that every PVA student should have every resource that they need to be successful at our school. I have already worked tirelessly to help PVA students have equitable meals and facilities, and I feel I could do even more in this position! I want to be able to have open communication with all in PVA and advocate for my peers!

Qualities/Experiences: In high school I served as our marching band’s head drum major for two years. While this had a lot to do with music, my main role was to be a counselor of sorts for our band. I was the bridge from student to teacher in a way. In college I have worked with both housing and dining and have used both of my positions to elevate the equity across our campus. As an RA I have spent hundreds of hours trying to create a safe space for residents. I also have advocated for those who cannot speak for themselves in regards to our dining issues. I spoke at our town hall last semester and have actively been in contact with the university to provide an equitable opportunity for PVA students to have healthy food.

2022-2023 Goals

I aim to bridge the gap from central and west campus. I hope to create more opportunities for jobs for students. I plan to work hard to open up our dining halls on central campus with healthier options for all. Lastly I would like to help create a service team for PVA students who actively work to keep our facilities working and running as effectively as the other buildings on campus.