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Positional Bids

Positional Bid Timeline 

February 24th

Bid Intents Open

Bid intent is a short survey that lets the Executive Board know who intends to run for a position.

February 28th

Bid Intents Due

You can only run for a position if you submit an intent. You can submit intent for more than one position.

April 3rd by 7:00PM

Bids Due

Bid writing sessions will be held between February 25th and March 4th. 

April 10th by 7:00PM

Bid Revisions Due

Once you submit your initial bid you will receive an email within 24 hours that will evaluate your bid for policy violations.

April 13th

Bids Released 

Your community council will receive a bid evaluation that needs to be completed prior to the election on April 18th.