News & Publications
Social Research Lab: Homeless count expands data, experience in Weld
Dr. Angie Henderson: What are the major causes of the racial wealth gap between black and white households?
Dr. Angie Henderson: The Price Mothers Pay, Even When They Are Not Buying It
Dr. Angie Henderson: Cards' coaching intern Welter can learn from female community college coach
Dr. Kyle Anne Nelson: Does residential segregation help or hurt?
Dr. Harmony Newman: Embodiment without bodies? Analysis of embodiment in US-based pro-breastfeeding and anti-male circumcision movements
Dr. Rebecca Beals contributed to to a book that won “Book of the Year” from the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education. The book, New Directions: Assessment and Preparation of Hispanic College Students, included Dr. Beals' article, "Multicontextuality: A Framework for Access and Assessment of Underrepresented STEM Students.”
UNC Sociology M.A. graduate, Tasha VanMarter, selected as one of Channel 7's Everyday Heros!
Dr. Angie Henderson participated in a Bear in Mind podcast regarding Sex Trafficking in our Own Backyard.
Dr. Rebecca Beals was named Principle Investigator on an evaluation grant assessing the effectiveness and impact of a National Science Foundation program aimed at increasing undergraduate graduation rates and the representation of racial/ethnic minority students in science, technology, engineering and math graduate programs.