Download Graded Project Artifacts and Rubrics
How Do I Download Graded Project Artifacts and Pdf's of Completed Rubrics to My Computer?
The following are the steps for logging into your account and downloading to your computer the artifacts and rubrics that you will need from EDSE 613, EDSE 614, EDSE 616, EDSE 617, EDSE 618, and EDSE 619:
- Log into your student LiveText account
- Locate the assignment which has a completed assessment on your Dashboard. If the assignment is green and displays the text "VIEW ASSESSMENT," then an assessment has been completed for that specific project artifact
- Once you have located the graded project artifact, click on the corresponding VIEW ASSESSMENT button
- Review the ASSIGNMENT DETAILS area. This area contains a table which has information regarding your submission. There will be one row added for each assessor's completed assessment
- Click on the Rubric name in the RUBRICS column (This enables you to see the specific elements of the rubric and how your instructor assessed your work.)
- Click on the CREATE PDF button located in the upper right hand corner of the page
- Once your computer has downloaded the pdf, open it
- Right click and select SAVE AS, and create a name for the document that contains the
following information:
- Your first and last name
- The course where you originally submitted your wokrk. Example: Jones_John_EDSE616
- Save the pdf