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Budget Entry Codes

Budget data entry codes, or BD codes, are used during the budget process to categorize transactions to identify realignments, budget corrections, permanent reductions in expenses and new revenue/new expense requests. 


Revenue and Expense Realignment

The purpose of this entry is to move the budget to the appropriate revenue and expense account codes so the budget is reflective of what the actual revenue or expense has been. Revenue entries should offset one another and expense entries should offset one another. When these entries are complete, your total revenue, total expense and total transfers will be the same as before the entries are posted, but the classifications within revenue, expenses and transfers will be more accurately budgeted.


Permanent Expense Reduction

A Supplemental Information form must accompany this request.

The purpose of this entry is to permanently reduce expenses in the budget. This represents a sustainable cost savings.


New Revenue Entry

New Expense Entry

A Supplemental Information form must accompany this request.

The purpose of this entry is to increase revenue for rate changes, volume changes or changes in new activities expected in the new budget year. The increase in revenue may or may not have corresponding new expenses to support the revenue.

This entry may also be a request for new expense that does not have corresponding revenue. The expense could relate to volume increases, service level changes or new non-revenue generating activities. 


Staffing Plan Entries
FYxx Salary and Fringe Entry
Vacancy Savings

The Budget Office will make entries to your budgets in accordance with the Staffing Plans that were submitted and approved at the VP level.

Salary increase percentage will be included along with fringe adjustments.

Vacancy savings will be estimated and recorded centrally by the Budget Office.

The Supplemental Information form is included in the Vice President's budget review book and the purpose of it is to provide information about the budget request so the Vice Presidents have adequate information upon which to base their decisions. Please be concise and informative in the narrative and highlight the necessity of the request and its benefits to the University.

Budget Entry Guidelines

  • BD05 Revenue and Expense Realignment


    • Budgets should be reviewed and adjustments should be made to revenue accounts to make the budget reflective of actual revenue realized by revenue account codes.
    • Revenue realignment entries will offset one another within the same fund. Total budgeted revenue will not change but the accounts within the total revenue budget will more accurately reflect actual revenue.
    • Historical actual revenue should be reviewed as a guideline for realigning revenue budgets.


    • Budgets should be reviewed and adjustments should be made to expense accounts to make the budget reflective of actual expenditures incurred by expense account codes.
    • All expense entries should offset each other within the same fund. Total expenses in the budget will not change, but the accounts within the total expense budget will be more accurately budgeted.
    • Historical actual spending should be reviewed as a guideline for realigning expense budgets to equal expected expenditures. (Three years of historical actual is provided in the manager reports.)
    • Personnel expense entries are limited to realignments of personnel expense account codes that are not included in the staffing plan such as GA/TA stipends, student wages, non-student hourly, and overtime account codes. All other positions should be addressed within the area staffing plan.
  • BD07 Permanent Reduction of Expenses (Sustainable Cost Savings)
    • These budget requests represent sustainable cost savings. They are a permanent reduction to the budget.
    • If the permanent expense reduction involves personnel expense, it must be included in your staffing plan. All staffing plan entries will be input by the Budget Office.
    • If sustainable cost savings are identified in a fund that has its own revenue source, the amount of the sustainable cost savings may require a non-mandatory transfer. Please consult your budget analyst if you have a sustainable cost savings of this nature.
    • A Supplemental Information form detailing the reduction is required. Please make note if the reduction of expense is a result of a reduction of services.
  • BD08 New Revenue and New Expense


    • These are entries that represent new revenue to the University. New revenue is defined as a rate or volume change that results in an increase to an existing source of revenue, or a new activity that results in a new source of revenue to the University. The difference between this and a budget correction is that a budget correction the rate or volume change that caused the budget to be under or overstated happened in prior years. New revenue is revenue that will occur in the new budget year.
    • The new revenue may require some new expenses to support the revenue generation. New expenses are defined as an increase to an existing expense or an expense that has not previously been incurred in the area.
    • New revenues with corresponding new expenses will require an accompanying Supplemental Information form.
    • If the corresponding new expense for faulty, exempt or classified personnel, it must be included in the staffing plan. All staffing plan entries will be input by the Budget Office.
    • If the new revenue is from a proposed new academic fee or an adjustment to an existing academic fee, the Budget Office will input the revenue and related expense after the fee is approved. Academic fee forms are on the Budget Office Website. They are currently named "Academic Fees Charged by Course" which is an excel worksheet and "Course Fee Request Form" which is a pdf to be used for all of the academic fee types. These forms must be submitted to the curriculum depository with a copy sent to the Budget Office. The Special Assistant to the Provost will review fee requests and forward them to the Budget Office upon approval.


    • These are entries that represent a new expense.
    • The new expense could relate directly to a new revenue or it could be a stand-alone expense because it relates to a new activity in the University, but that activity is not supported by its own revenue source.
    • The new expense could relate to an increase or change in service levels for an existing activity in the University, but that activity does not have its own revenue source. It may be funded by tuition or central sources of revenue.
    • A new expense could relate to new legal or regulatory compliance.
    • A new expense will require an accompanying Supplemental Information form.
    • If a new expense is for personnel, it must be included in the staffing plan. All staffing plan entries will be input by the Budget Office.
    • New expenses relating to utilities expense, postage increases, minimum wage increases (which primarily impact student employment), bond debt, and capital leases will be input by the Budget Office.