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Mission Statement

Asian Pacific American Student Services seeks to foster the academic, social, and cultural identity development of the Asian-Pacific Islander community and to enrich and integrate culture into the University of Northern Colorado. We value culture, authenticity, inclusion, and academic success within our philosophy and services. These services include academic coaching, and leadership development for UNC’s Asian-Pacific Islander student population, as well as, cultural and educational programs for the broader UNC community. APASS staff strives to create a safe, inclusive environment for all who visit the center.

Vision Statement

The vision of Asian Pacific American Student Services is to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment where all Asian and Pacific Islander students at University of Northern Colorado are valued and welcomed.

General Asian Pacific American Student Services Learning Outcomes: 

  • Describe knowledge of the diverse cultural political and social economic experiences and needs of communities of color.
  • Demonstrate practices that promote health, personal growth, and well-being for self and others.
  • Demonstrate interpersonal and intrapersonal communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Explore and describe salient & intersecting identities
  • Apply self-advocacy practices