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Sergio Chacon

Sergio Chacon


Physics and Astronomy
Natural and Health Sciences

Research/Areas of Interest

Mentors: Cynthia Galovich, PhD, Department of Physics and Astronomy
                 Matthew Semak, PhD, Department of Physics and Astronomy


My name is Sergio Chacon, and I have been living in Colorado my whole life. I come from a loving Mexican family. I have all my success to thank to my family for their support and sacrifice. Thanks to their gift of education, I find myself pursuing a bachelor’s degree in physics with an emphasis in engineering here at UNC. After my time here at UNC, I hope to continue my education by pursuing graduate school. My goal is to earn my Ph.D. in physics and use my education to teach at a university somewhere here in the states. I hope to not only work with college students but to also help promote science in underprivileged schools in my area.