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Bailie Peterson

Bailie Peterson

Department Chair & Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Contact Information

(970) 351-2574
McKee 302
Office Hours
on sabbatical for Spring semester
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Campus Box 126
Greeley, CO 80639


Professional/Academic Experience

Research/Areas of Interest

Metaphysics and Epistemology; Ethics; Philosophy of Religion

Publications/Creative Works

Peterson, Bailie (2023) with David Agboola and Kelly Lundberg. What Do Beginning Students Think about Philosophy before Their First College Course? The Journal of the American Philosophical Association. 1-11.
Peterson, Bailie (Guest).
Greene, R. and Robison-Greene, R. (Hosts). (2022, September 29). Hey Ho, Let's Phi [Audio podcast episode]. In I Think, Therefore I Fan. https://ithinkthereforeifan.com/
Peterson, Bailie (2022). To Resist Despair: The Metaphysics of Punk. R. Greene and J. Heter (Ed.). Punk Rock and Philosophy (#7). Illinois: Open Universe.
Peterson, Bailie (2021) Supporting First-Generation Philosophers at Every Level. APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy. 20 (3): 38-43.
Peterson, Bailie (2019). Can Summer Philosophy Programs Help Close the Achievement Gap? Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice (2), 23.
Peterson, Bailie (2018). The Meaning of Belief. In Christian Perring (Ed.), Metapsychology Online Reviews (22) 6: 2018.
Peterson, Bailie (2018). Attributes of God. 1000 Word Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology.
Applications and Extensions of Counterpart Theory – Doctoral Dissertation, 2017

Honors and Awards

The John Robison Prize for Teaching Excellence (UMass Amherst. 2016)

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