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Welcome to Philosophy at UNC!

The word philosophy literally means “love of wisdom,” and our faculty is committed to bringing the benefits of a philosophical education to students from all walks of life.  We are dedicated professors who aim to help you develop your critical reasoning, writing, oral presentation, and logic skills. We also guide you through some of the most fundamental and vital questions of our time, such as What does it mean to be human? Does God exist? What is justice? Is Democracy the best system? How do we know what is true? What is the meaning of Life? Are there any moral claims that are true for everyone?

Despite the skills built within the majors, students sometimes think that philosophy lacks practical value. However, this is a myth!

Job Preparation and Career Readiness

Did you know that the tools we use and support within philosophy are some of the most in-demand skills on the job market? The National Association of Colleges and Employers (naceweb.org) lists the most relevant and important skills that employers want college graduates to have.

Contact Us

Department of Philosophy
McKee 318

(970) 351-2707


Office Hours

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Informational Resources

Ever wondered what the benefits of a philosophy major could be? Or what you can do with a philosophy degree? How about who some of the most prominent and important people who have studied philosophy are? Check out this presentation to find out.

Why Major in Philosophy?

A degree in philosophy can do more for you than just improving your critical thinking and creativity. This in-depth guide breaks down the benefits of a philosophy degree and how it can be put to use in industries, like law, business, medicine, entrepreneurship and more! 

The Practical Value of Philosophy

Fundamental Skills for Philosophy:

Critical Thinking

Identify and respond to needs based upon an understanding of situational context and logical analysis of relevant information.

Equity and Inclusion

Demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills required to equitably engage and include people from different cultures and backgrounds. Engage in anti-oppressive practices that actively challenge the systems, structures, and policies of racism and inequity.


Recognize and capitalize on personal and team strengths to achieve organizational goals.


Build and maintain collaborative relationships to work effectively toward common goals, while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.


Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside of an organization.

Career and Self Development

Proactively develop oneself and one’s career through continual personal and professional learning, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, navigation of career opportunities, and networking to build relationships within and without one’s organization.


Knowing work environments differ greatly, understand and demonstrate effective work habits, and act in the interest of the larger community and workplace.


Understand and leverage technologies ethically to enhance efficiencies, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.

Practical, Hands-On Guidance

Our major includes many opportunities for Internships and Directed Studies which provide graduates with hands-on work in non-profit organizations, education, and other fields.  We are also famous for our Ethics Bowl team, which provides many ways to develop and practice skills while strengthening friendships, teamwork, and ethical thinking! 

Many Career Paths

Another myth about philosophy is that it can only really prepare you to be a philosopher! In reality, philosophy majors end up in careers all across the career spectrum. Our alumni work in education, animal care, nursing, psychology, library science, law, politics, and business.  There are also many important (and famous) people who have started their careers after studying philosophy.

High Salaries and Competitive Advantages

According to the World Economic Forum, philosophy majors have the highest median starting salary of any humanities major. They also exhibit significant earning potential over time, with philosophy majors seeing a 103.5% increase from median starting salary to median mid-career salary. Despite the myth that humanities majors do not earn competitive wages, philosophy majors shine after graduation.

Also, we have a lot of fun!

We have events every semester focused on fun and connection. Despite being a smaller major, we forge connections that create a supportive and energetic student population. We support each other in the classroom, in the conference room and also at special events like Spring Fling and Ethics Bowl. We welcome everyone and anyone who’d like to join us, and frequently have guests from other majors, and even other schools.  We love our community of scholars and the connections we build. 

News and Announcements

Welcome to our newest faculty member!

Soyeong An profile picture

Join us in welcoming our newest department member, Dr. Soyeong An.  She recently completed her Ph.D. at the Ohio State University, where she stood out as an outstanding instructor and scholar. Her primary research interests are in the Philosophy of Science, Metaphysics, and Epistemology.  She is currently teaching courses in modern philosophy and ethics, and will teach our senior seminar and philosophy of science in the spring.  Welcome, Dr. An!

Students Recognized at 2024 Honors Convocation

honors students in philosophy

Join me in congratulating our Philosophy Honor's awardees for Spring 2024: Haley Reed, Daniel Mangandi Escobar, and Luna Abernathy!

Student Accepted to CU Boulder's Summer Seminar Program

CU Boulder's Summer Seminar

Luna Abernathy, a senior philosophy major, was recently accepted into the highly competitive Summer Seminar in Philosophy program at the University of Colorado Boulder. The program is intended for "outstanding advanced undergraduate philosophy students" and provides an on-campus experience intended to prepare students for graduate study. Luna is the first UNC student to represent the HSS Philosophy department in this program. The application committee noted in particular that they were impressed with her application.


Fall 2023 Ethics Bowl

2023 ethics bowl team

This year's Ethics Bowl Team did an amazing job convincing competitors and judges that we are a strong, smart, and professional group.  Join me in congratulating Daniel Mangandi-Escobar (Psychology and Philosophy), Maya Chavez (Political Science), Chase Weynand (Philosophy), Haley Artis (Philosophy), Luna Abernathy (Philosophy), and Cora Starks (Philosophy) for another successful year.

Coaches Bailie Peterson and Jeff Brown were so impressed with their skills and progress, defending well-thought-out arguments on a variety of contemporary ethical issues.  Email bailie.peterson@unco.edu to join the team!

New Faculty Publications

Professor Tom Trelogan, who taught at UNC since 1976, passed away in January 2020 after being hospitalized due to complications from cancer.

Over five decades at UNC, he developed and taught a range of Philosophy courses, introducing many to the subject. He was instrumental in helping create the Honors and Liberal Arts Core programs and was an early adopter of the Internet, managing an online Argument Clinic from 1997-2015 and serving as the webmaster for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences from 1999-2009.

“I know for quite a few of you, he was your guide through the history of western philosophy; for others, he was a mentor, friend, and the person who introduced you to philosophy,” Assistant Professor and Chair of Philosophy John Ramsey wrote in an email to the department. "He will be sadly missed."

Among his awards, Trelogan was recognized with the UNC Excellence in Academic Leadership Award in 2006 and was named Honors coordinator of the year in 1991 and professor of the year in 1988.

While no services will be held, the Philosophy Department is planning a tree dedication in memory of Trelogan when the campus reopens. Details will be shared in UNC Today when they become available.


Philosophy Student Featured on Colorado Department of Higher Education Blog

Nate Evans recently published a blog post, "Philosophize this: Closing gender equity gaps in higher education," for the Colorado Department of Education "Student Voices" series, discussing the Undergraduate Women’s Philosophy Conference.

"This conference is a powerful testament to the importance philosophy programs across Colorado have placed on inclusive engagement, specifically in empowering women."

nate evans 

Faces of 2019 Spring Graduates: Langston Mayo

Graduating senior and Philosophy major discusses why he chose UNC. Langston was also featured in UNC's "Faces of 2019 Spring Graduates" - Congratulations!

UNC students selected to present at Undergraduate Women's Philosophy Conference 

Philosophy Story Header

Two Philosophy majors have been selected to present papers at the 4th Annual Undergraduate Women’s Philosophy Conference at MSU Denver on April 5-7. This is a highly selective conference with an acceptance rate of less than 25%.

  • Senior Flor Mendoza will be speaking on Philosophy Through the Guilty Silence
  • Junior Vanessa Salazar will be speaking on Counterpart Theory and its Implication on Free Will

Flor’s presentation began as a paper for Assistant Professor John Ramsey’s seminar on “What is Philosophy?” Vanessa’s presentation began it’s life as a paper for Assistant Professor Bailie Peterson’s class on Metaphysics, and is inspired by Dr. Peterson’s research in counterpart theory.

Six more philosophy students — Lillian Canfield, Nate Evans, Annika Holm, Alina Moreau, David Rodezno and Jorge Rubio — will also be participating in the conference as commentators or session chairs. And philosophy faculty members Nancy Matchett and Bailie Peterson will be co-facilitating a workshop on Empowering Women in Philosophy.

Philosophy major selected for Hamilton College Summer Program in Philosophy

Junior Philosophy major Nate Evans has been selected for the Hamilton College Summer Program in Philosophy (HCSPiP). The program brings together creative teachers, ambitious undergraduates, and engaging graduate students, for three concurrent, innovative, two-week courses in philosophy. Room and Board are free, and students also receive a $750 stipend and up to $500 to cover travel costs to and from the site in rural New York state. Not surprisingly, this is one of the more competitive summer programs for undergraduate philosophers in the country, and the philosophy department faculty are incredibly proud of Nate for securing a spot.