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Safe Handling and Storage

Hazardous materials should be stored based on their compatibility with near-by products. Never store incompatible materials in the same area. It is best to store hazardous materials in the original re-sealable containers in which they were packaged. Temperature and humidity are also important considerations when determining where a material should be stored.  You should be aware of shelf life considerations for chemicals that can become unstable with time.

There should be a phone and emergency procedures and numbers posted near chemical storage/hazardous materials areas. Never store hazardous materials or waste in areas where a spill could release into the water system. Materials should be stored no higher than eye level. Avoid awkward positioning to prevent accidental spills or possible injury.

Propane Cylinders

Propane cylinders shall not be placed, stored, or used in any University facility.

Propane cylinders awaiting use should be stored outside in a well-ventilated and secure area. Propane cylinders should be stored upright on a firm, flat surface such as concrete and away from other flammable or combustible materials. If you need assistance with storing propane cylinders, contact Facilities Management at 351-2446.