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Step 1: Set-up Account

When you first register for classes as a new student in our program, you will receive in your Bear mail account an email that contains a 16-character key code, or registration code. Typically, this will be sent to the new students after the semester’s drop/add deadline, so you will only be able to register for your LiveText account after that deadline.
Here are the steps for LiveText registration. These steps can also be found at: http://www.unco.edu/cebs/livetext/documents/students/livetextStudentRegistrationInstructions.pdf
1.    Go to www.LiveText.comand click on the REGISTER tab at the top of the LiveText homepage.
2.    Click the Register button under Register Membership. The registration form opens.
3.    STEP 1: Select the radio button for Student.
4.    STEP 2: Look in your bearmail email account for the email from Livetext that contains the 16-character key code.
5.    STEP 3: Enter this 16-character key code in the box marked “Enter Your Key Code.”
6.    STEP 4: Register Your Student Membership. Please complete your profile to the best of your ability. Name, Date of Birth, and Institution and Personal Email Addresses are required fields.
7.    STEP 5: Create Your LiveText Membership Account. You will be prompted to create a unique username and password. When creating a username, the name will be compared to all LiveText users. If you receive the message “Username is already taken”, you will have to modify your username.
8.    Select a security question from the dropdown menu. This may be used in the username/password recovery process.
9.    Select the Terms of Service check box and Click the Register My Membership Account button to complete the registration process.
10.Account Activation completed. After successfully completing the registration process, LiveText will display this screen with your newly created username and password. Your login information will also be sent to the personal email address provided during account registration.

Uploading/Withdrawing Course Assignments and Monitoring Grading

Specific courses in the Master Generalist program have assignments – one per course – that require you to upload your work to LiveText, where it is graded by the instructor using a standardized rubric tailored to that course. These assignments, and their rubrics, eventually become artifacts for your comprehensive examination portfolio. Hence, it is important to upload these products of your work and keep them in your LiveText account for the duration of the program. View essential steps for uploading assignments and monitoring their grading by course instructors. You can also view steps for removing your work, when removal is still possible, so that you can change something and re-submit.