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Bear News Stories
May 08, 2023
Bear News has brought news effectively and timely every Friday and along with the news, weather has remained an essential aspect of our newscast. Sam Parker, or as he’s known among his peers, “Weather Sam,”...
While it may look like a ghost town to passersby, Dearfield was a bustling agricultural settlement in the 1910s and ‘20s founded by and for Black Americans. Now the colony is the subjec…
Some students at UNC feel like gun violence has become a part of their curriculum since they were in middle school practicing lockdown drills. Hunter Rensink is a s...
April 26, 2023
UNC students are reminded of the Good Samaritan Law and its importance in saving lives. It is designed to protect underage persons who call 911 to aid someone in danger, such as those experiencing …
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