Services for Patrons with Disabilities
The faculty and staff of the University Libraries are committed to providing equal access to materials and services.
Building Access
Reserved parking is available in all campus parking lots.
Both Michener Library and the Skinner Music Library are wheelchair accessible.
Michener Library can be entered directly from the north entrance. The entrances on the west and east sides provide access to the lower level. The lower level entrance into the library is not open during all hours; consult the posted schedule located at the entrance for specific times. An elevator is available for access to all four floors of the library.
Retrieval of items from the shelves
Use the "Request" button in the online catalog to have books or other items pulled from the shelves. Items will be available within 24 hours at the main desk at Michener Library or the Skinner Music Library.
To have print magazine or journal articles scanned and sent to you electronically, use the "Request a Copy from Interlibrary Loan" link from within a library database, or request the article directly from interlibrary loan.
In addition, requests may be made in person at either library, or by phone:
- Michener Library: 970-351-2671
- Skinner Music Library: 970-351-2439
Research assistance
Research assistance is available to all library patrons. See the Research Help page for more information.
Other services
Special arrangements can be made to accommodate other needs. Please contact Sarah Vaughn, manager of User & Delivery Services, for more information.
- Phone: 970-351-1539
- Email:
A computer workstation featuring an adjustable table and Zoom Text magnification software is available on the 1st floor of Michener Library.
Patrons requiring assistance in typing or reading computer screens or printed materials should request a library research aide from Disability Resource Center.
Michener Library also has an Assistive Technology lab, overseen by Disability Resource Center. This area is available for use during regular library hours. If you haven’t used the technology before, please contact Disability Resource Center for training. See their web site for a list of available equipment.