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COmmunity COllaboration and LEarning for climate Resilience

COOLER is an NSF-funded initiative at UNC.  Our team of faculty from Meteorology, Earth Sciences, Geography and Sustainability are working to develop a learning ecosystem to strengthen climate change education and local place-based resilience.

We do this by engaging faculty, students and local community members in finding solutions to local climate-related challenges. This page will link you to resources and different ways to connect with our community. 

image of data from faculty survey on climate change perceptions

Faculty members Holt and Shellito conducted a survey of 225 instructors at the University of Northern Colorado in December 2022 that showed most faculty are worried about climate change and believe that we need to do more to prepare students. 

Image of 4 faculty team members with their titles

Faculty Team

Our faculty leadership team work at the crossroads of environmental and social systems.