About Us

Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) is a nationwide collaboration of college students, faculty, and staff dedicated to eliminating cancer by initiating and supporting programs of the American Cancer Society (ACS) in college communities.

CAC was founded by just here college students in Illinois in 2001 and is rapidly growing. In six years, over 300 new chapters have been established in 45 states and over 122 chapters joined the CAC family in the 2006-2007 school year!

Completely volunteer driven, CAC is committed to fighting cancer in for strategic directions, or focus areas: Advocacy, Cancer Education & Prevention, Survivorship, Relay For Life. Colleges Against Cancer members work with American Cancer Society Staff Partners in the community to help bring a new message of hope for those with cancer and their caregivers and a new sense of power and excitement for ACS.

Each and every day college students just like you are making in difference in the fight against cancer. WE CAN. WE WILL. WE ARE

The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and service.