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Science Education Research Group at the Mathematics and Science Teaching Institute (SERG@MAST)


The vision of SERG@MAST is a productive collaboration of science researchers, science educators, and students across science education programs on and around the UNC campus. SERG@MAST conduct relevant and rigorous science education research. The predominant purpose of our research is to provide local and global science education communities with evidence-based strategies for meeting science education learning objectives. 


The purpose of the Science Education Research Group at the Mathematics and Science Teaching Institute (SERG@MAST) is to enhance collaborations at UNCO. Members include science faculty from several disciplines, science education researchers, graduate students interested in science education research, and informal education outreach centers. Those in attendance seek to become better educators and/or science education researchers. Meeting discussions will include (1) constructive feedback pertaining to proposed research, manuscripts, conference presentations, and best teaching practices, and (2) the development and implementation of science-education research. Meeting topics include any and all aspects of STEM education, the nature of science, and the history and philosophy of science. 

Fall 2019 Schedule 

Meetings are held in Ross 2287 conference room at 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm

Contact Dr. David Slykhuis, (970) 351-1214 for more information