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College-Bound Colorado
The blog for Coloradans and beyond who are searching for the perfect-fit college.
December 19, 2017
How do you ace finals week in college? One key is finding a study space that works for you, whether it's a student center, library or coffee shop.
November 08, 2017
Crunchy snacks, freshly paved road and a radio's static chorus are a few pieces of the college experience that your university won’t provide. You have to seek them out yourself. Enter: The Weekend Road Trip. Read about one student’s adventure and the pro tips she picked up along the way.
September 29, 2017
So you finally arrive at college. You move in, start classes and figure out how to check your mail and swipe into the dining hall. What's next? How do you plant roots and take advantage of your time in college?
September 22, 2017
As you search for a university, remember that you're not just looking for a place to learn. You're looking for a place to live (and maybe even call home) for the next four years. Ask yourself these questions as you evaluate your options.
September 12, 2017
In this second of a two-part series, a college student shares tips for managing your time, study habits, relationships and activities as a student with ADHD.
August 28, 2017
College has enough opportunities and extracurricular activities to fill every hour of your day...and then some. Here are some tips for making the most of your college years without overcommitting yourself.
July 31, 2017
Time management is likely to be one of your biggest challenges as you transition from the structure of high school to the freedom of college. Here are some tips for making your time work for you.
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