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Cris de la Torre

Cris de la Torre


Monfort College of Business

Contact Information


Earned a civil engineering degree from the University of Notre Dame and worked as a staff engineer with El Paso Electric Company for five years, receiving professional engineer status in 1984. Holds an M.B.A. from the University of Texas at El Paso, Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Texas at Austin and J.D. from the University of Colorado. He has been teaching finance courses since 1985 -- Texas, Southwest Texas State, Nebraska, CSU, Wyoming and UNC. Has been published in many real estate, tax and personal finance journals. Co-authored the following articles: "Controlling the Incentive Problems in Real Estate Leasing," Journal Of Real Estate Finance And Economics (1995); "Rationales for Real Estate Leasing versus Owning," Journal Of Real Estate Research (1998); "Why would anyone want to be a landlord? Or a tenant?," Real Estate Finance (1999). He maintains a Web site for consulting purposes (www.drfin.com).


Personal Injury Damages

Wrongful Termination Damages

Wrongful Death Damages