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If you are wondering about how specific course projects were selected and rubrics designed, the simple answer is that we have state and national standards that we must address and meet in our teacher preparation program. When selecting final LiveText products and their respective grading rubrics, the generalist faculty considered program content within and across courses, the standards that had to be addressed, and the practical skills that are the essential products of all courses.

If you have questions regarding which courses require LiveText products, and what other products you will need for your final (end program) comprehensive examination, visit the Comprehensive Exam Information/LiveText Review webpage. This link will also explain the actual exam process and what is expected of you when you are doing the comprehensive examination.

If you have questions or concerns about the artifact associated with a particular course, or what specific rubric criteria really mean for you, it will be the course instructor for that course that you will need to talk to for details and explanations.

If you have questions about how well you are doing across courses in relation to the final comprehensive examination, you will need to contact your advisor. Be sure to give him/her access to course rubrics if you want a precise estimate of how well you are doing and how you should proceed if there are concerns.